
Looklet - Fashionable Friday

I could have saved my post from yesterday to be today's Fashionable Friday post but I obviously was WAY too excited about my new skirt to wait...lol! So instead I thought I would share with you a fashion designing website I discovered recently. It's called Looklet, and I'm LOVING it! It's so much fun to create all kinds of cute outfits from their ever-growing wardrobe on multiple models with a selection of funky backgrounds to choose from. SO fun! Here's one of my outfits I've created so far but be sure to check out my page and see what else I come up with. :)


Sweets and Hearts said...

oh my gosh! what a cool site!! i've never heard of it before, so thanks for sharing. :D

Amanda Wissmann said...

So I know this is a little late- but I just came across your site randomly and WOW! I ADORE your skirt! What a FABULOUS job and it's so cute and stylish!

Congrats and here's to many more!

rafaboy said...

parabens essa foto e encriveu

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